
Tarragon Russian

A less distinct and refined taste than French tarragon but hardier and easy to grow.

  • Herbs are so easy – you don’t even need a garden! Just a few in pots on the patio or windowsill will add that little extra to a dish.
  • Sow indoors March-May.
  • A warm kitchen windowsill is all you need for starting these seeds.
  • Sow 0.5cm (¼”) deep, in small pots of compost.
  • Water well and place in a warm position.
  • A temperature of 15-20°C (60-68°F) is ideal.
  • Keep moist.
  • Transplant seedlings individually to 8cm (3″) pots, when large enough to handle.
  • Grow on in cooler, but not cold conditions.
  • Gradually accustom plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out, 45cm (18″) apart, May-June, into warm, well-drained soil.
  • Harvest: May-October.
  • Pick the fresh leaves and tender shoots as required.
  • They are best frozen rather than dried to store.
  • In colder areas, protect plants with a mulch of straw or soil in winter.


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